Eric admiring a final print of The Year of the Tiger
Big Ink brand mark

Big Ink is a traveling printmaking experience that lands in the Bay Area every two years. Eric hosted the first San Francisco Big Ink event in his studio and gallery in 2018. Artists from around California commit to carving a large woodblock, which is printed by master printmaker Lyell Castonguay during the event. Big Ink always pushes Eric’s comfort zone, and the work that it inspires is featured here.



Back in the Bay

Eric rented an hour on a helicopter to capture this view of the San Francisco Bay.  Ultraman is in heated combat with Mechagodzilla, getting a shot in the back as it destroys the Bay Bridge. This is the largest woodcut Eric has ever carved.

Black and with version of Back in the Bay - one of Eric's Monster prints

Back in the Bay (2020)
Woodcut 60” x 44”

Eric in his studio with a large format Back in the Bay print
Artist Eric Rewitzer holding a large wood plate shaped like a tiger
black and white image of Year of the Tiger print

Year of the Tiger (2022)

Woodcut 50”x36”

Created to commemorate the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Horoscope. Tiger was also Eric’s nickname when he was a young man, and he often wishes it stuck.

showing work in progress for carving a wood plate
close up shot of Eric carving a wood plate for printing
People pulling the Cloud Dragon print off of the press
One of the prints of Cloud Dragon from Big Ink

Cloud Dragon (2024)

Woodcut 50”x36”

Created to commemorate the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Horoscope. Using references from Chinese tapestry, carvings, prints, and books, this piece came together with the help of Eric’s wife, Annie Galvin.

Cloud Dragon plate before it was inked for the Big Ink event

Crafting Legends from Wood

Eric meticulously carves each design using traditional Japanese tools, spending 40 to 80 hours on a plate. The reverse carving process presents technical challenges that he masterfully embraces, bringing his art to life.